
hector_mapping/src/HectorMappingRos.cpp 235 line

void HectorMappingRos::scanCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& scan)
  if (pause_scan_processing_)

  if (hectorDrawings)

  ros::WallTime start_time = ros::WallTime::now();
  if (!p_use_tf_scan_transformation_)
    // If we are not using the tf tree to find the transform between the base frame and laser frame,
    // then just convert the laser scan to our data container and process the update based on our last
    // pose estimate
    this->rosLaserScanToDataContainer(scan, laserScanContainer, slamProcessor->getScaleToMap());
    slamProcessor->update(laserScanContainer, slamProcessor->getLastScanMatchPose());
    const ros::Duration dur(0.5);
    //定义了一个持续时间 dur=0.5s
    tf::StampedTransform laser_transform;
    //定义位姿变换 laser_transform
    if (tf_.waitForTransform(p_base_frame_, scan.header.frame_id, scan.header.stamp, dur))
    //等待 dur=0.5 时间内,判断是否将 base_frame 转换到 laser_transform
      tf_.lookupTransform(p_base_frame_, scan.header.frame_id, scan.header.stamp, laser_transform);
      ROS_INFO("lookupTransform %s to %s timed out. Could not transform laser scan into base_frame.", p_base_frame_.c_str(), scan.header.frame_id.c_str());
    //将 雷达数据 转换到 laser_point_cloud
    projector_.projectLaser(scan, laser_point_cloud_, 30.0);

    if (scan_point_cloud_publisher_.getNumSubscribers() > 0)

    // Convert the point cloud to our data container
    //将 转换的点云数据  laser_point_cloud  抓换到我们需要的点云
    this->rosPointCloudToDataContainer(laser_point_cloud_, laser_transform, laserScanContainer, slamProcessor->getScaleToMap());

    // Now let's choose the initial pose estimate for our slam process update
    Eigen::Vector3f start_estimate(Eigen::Vector3f::Zero());
    if (initial_pose_set_)
      // User has requested a pose reset
      initial_pose_set_ = false;
      start_estimate = initial_pose_;
    else if (p_use_tf_pose_start_estimate_)
      // Initial pose estimate comes from the tf tree 
      //从 tf 树中选取初始预测位姿
                  //       try {
                  //     逻辑代码块1;
                  // } catch(ExceptionType e) {
                  //     处理代码块1;
                  // }
        tf::StampedTransform stamped_pose;
        //在 dur=0.5s 等待和检查坐标变换
        tf_.waitForTransform(p_map_frame_, p_base_frame_, scan.header.stamp, ros::Duration(0.5));
        tf_.lookupTransform(p_map_frame_, p_base_frame_,  scan.header.stamp, stamped_pose);
        const double yaw = tf::getYaw(stamped_pose.getRotation());
        start_estimate = Eigen::Vector3f(stamped_pose.getOrigin().getX(), stamped_pose.getOrigin().getY(), yaw);
      catch(tf::TransformException e)
      //如果获取位姿出错,将  最新的扫描匹配的位姿 lastScanMatchPose 赋值给 预测位姿
        ROS_ERROR("Transform from %s to %s failed\n", p_map_frame_.c_str(), p_base_frame_.c_str());
        start_estimate = slamProcessor->getLastScanMatchPose();
      // If none of the above, the initial pose is simply the last estimated pose
      start_estimate = slamProcessor->getLastScanMatchPose();

    // If "p_map_with_known_poses_" is enabled, we assume that start_estimate is precise and doesn't need to be refined
    //如果 p_map_with_known_poses_ 是1,就认为初始位姿预测是精确的,不需要再重新定义
    if (p_map_with_known_poses_)
      slamProcessor->update(laserScanContainer, start_estimate, true);
      slamProcessor->update(laserScanContainer, start_estimate);

  // If the debug flag "p_timing_output_" is enabled, print how long this last iteration took
  //如果 p_timing_output_ 是 1 ,输出最后一次迭代完成使用多长时间
  if (p_timing_output_)
    ros::WallDuration duration = ros::WallTime::now() - start_time;
    //输出迭代花费多少 ms
    ROS_INFO("HectorSLAM Iter took: %f milliseconds", duration.toSec()*1000.0f );

  // If we're just building a map with known poses, we're finished now. Code below this point publishes the localization results.
  if (p_map_with_known_poses_)

//获取到最新的扫描匹配位姿   带协方差的位姿
  poseInfoContainer_.update(slamProcessor->getLastScanMatchPose(), slamProcessor->getLastScanMatchCovariance(), scan.header.stamp, p_map_frame_);

  // Publish pose with and without covariances

  // Publish odometry if enabled
    nav_msgs::Odometry tmp;
    //定义里程计为 tmp ,获取里程计的 pose 和 header 
    tmp.pose = poseInfoContainer_.getPoseWithCovarianceStamped().pose;
    tmp.header = poseInfoContainer_.getPoseWithCovarianceStamped().header;
    tmp.child_frame_id = p_base_frame_;

  // Publish the map->odom transform if enabled
  //如果使能,发布map -> odom 的坐标变换
  if (p_pub_map_odom_transform_)
    tf::StampedTransform odom_to_base;
      //对 odom 和 base_frame 进行坐标变换
      tf_.waitForTransform(p_odom_frame_, p_base_frame_, scan.header.stamp, ros::Duration(0.5));
      tf_.lookupTransform(p_odom_frame_, p_base_frame_, scan.header.stamp, odom_to_base);
    catch(tf::TransformException e)
      ROS_ERROR("Transform failed during publishing of map_odom transform: %s",e.what());
    //获取map 与 odom坐标变换
    map_to_odom_ = tf::Transform(poseInfoContainer_.getTfTransform() * odom_to_base.inverse());
    tfB_->sendTransform( tf::StampedTransform (map_to_odom_, scan.header.stamp, p_map_frame_, p_odom_frame_));

  // Publish the transform from map to estimated pose (if enabled)
  if (p_pub_map_scanmatch_transform_)
    tfB_->sendTransform( tf::StampedTransform(poseInfoContainer_.getTfTransform(), scan.header.stamp, p_map_frame_, p_tf_map_scanmatch_transform_frame_name_));
最后修改:2023 年 11 月 10 日